miercuri, 25 august 2010

No You

Luni, marti, miercuri, joi, vineri... Nici nu stii cat de greu au trecut zilele astea. Inimaginabil de greu trece timpul fara tine. Secundele parca se lungesc, minutele refuza sa se mai termine, iar orele...Orele zabovesc.
Si gandeste-te ca mai urmeaza o sambata, o duminica, si apoi o iau de la capat cu o alta zi de luni, o alta zi de marti...si celelalte dubluri plicticoase si identice ale tuturor zilelor de saptamana asta.

**Stiai ca 14 zile cuprind 1 209 600 de secunde? Iti dai seama cat timp?! Si tu ziceai ca e putin!**

Nimic nu e la fel cand nu esti aici. Ti-am zis si tie, nici casa nu vrea sa ma mai tina. Ma inabusa cu caldura si cu o atmosfera apasatoare si mi-e din ce in ce mai greu sa respir. Si nu ma refer la astm - nuu; crede-ma, lipsa ta e mult mai grava decat astmul. Nu poate fi tratata cu doua pastilute.
Hai, vino, pune-mi catusele si reda-mi libertatea! pentru ca - da, tot ce ma leaga de tine, ma elibereaza.
Sunt inchisa fara tine.
Ziceam si eu asa.

Perfection is not what you want!

She's the perfect woman.
She's beautiful, she's hot, and she's never got issues.
She can look at herself in the mirror for hours- and you know that you can spend exactly the same time looking at her too.
She's amazing in every single way. She turns you on and she gives what you want, with only one condition: always give her what she wants. If you can't promise her that, expect what's worse from her: she'll stop being an angel, a become the devil. The most cruel one. She'll stop being kind - she'll become mean and disrespectful. She'll cheat on you with every guy that wants her - and trust me, every guy wants her!. And she'll pretend she's never loved you- even if her heart will be dying inside.

"Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value." Albert Einstein

Success is accomplishing the thing that you want to accomplish. To most of the human race, success is strictly related to money. And so i wonder - what did Einstein mean when he said "not to become a man of success"? Do not become a rich man? I think so, yes.
Being a man of value is a hard thing. It's complicated to make people think about you as a valuable man - but it's harder to be a successful unvaluable person.
It's always hard to make things right - but it is easier that leaving them as wrong as you made them by a mistake. It's hard to face your conscience. It's the hardest thing on earth.
It's easier to be poor and honest, and loved by the other - "a man of value" - than a man rich, envied, abandoned "successful man".
Just because

Repentance is good but innocence is better.